Half Year review of goals

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Photo credit: National Geographic

Firstly, if you are an infrequent visitor or subscriber you might have noticed a more minimal look to the blog. I also haven’t posted for a couple of months and was starting to consider a longer hiatus or account deletion.

I’ve done this many times with social media (maybe more than 8 with Instagram for instance) and last year deleted Twitter after 14 years of use. I have been reading Jaron Lanier’s Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now and can see how we’re being behaviourally manipulated in a way beyond advertising and marketing. Also, there’s the behaviour of the tech billionaires (such as this) that puts us in a mirror-dimension of the world of the movie, Idiocracy (2006). Anyway, for now I’m sticking with Instagram for a while longer but avoiding the Reels, Search suggestions and Like counts and focussing on sharing ideas and photos specifically from people I respect.

Who would win a fight between Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg? It’s the sort of question that might be asked over a drink in the pub. But a clash between the two of the world’s tech tycoons may no longer be hypothetical after Mr Zuckerberg apparently agreed to a cage fight with Mr Musk. ~ 30th June, Independent

Even though personal blogs might be a bit passé, I decided that mine can be used for more than validation and as an online notebook.

Back in December, I  put together a list of 23 things I’d like to do in 2023. We’re now into the start of July, six months into the year, so I thought I might do a little half way review. My ambitions were:

Go Abroad

We didn’t travel much since the pandemic but have now been on a little visit to Portugal and another planned for Greece for some Summer relaxation. The costs have gone up and this is going to be a common moan in all my goals.

Improve health & fitness

Without too much personal detail, I have started to recover some of my fitness and off painkillers that I have used for back pain due to slipped discs. Exercise is on my list for the next stage of my recovery. No, I can’t do a HIT workout.

Create more art

I have enjoyed my photography so far this year; it’s immediate and not so time consuming. I haven’t had time for printing, painting or anything else just yet. Plus my eyesight is deteriorating! I need new glasses.

Music concert performance

Not yet. Unless watching Glastonbury on tv counts!

Regular Cultural events

We went and saw To Kill a Mockingbird in the West End, took in a few free exhibitions of multimedia art too while in London. Also saw the Chris Kilip photo exhibition at The Photographer’s Gallery and Peter Doig at The Coutauld. We look out for any local events in and around Nottingham too.

City breaks

We had a weekend in London and will certainly go elsewhere this year, costs permitting (as well as train strikes).

Eat/Drink healthy

Whilst I think vegan/plant-based is generally healthier than most common diets, there is still a lot of over processed junk. Cooking from fresh is better and as my dedicated ‘gram shows, we mostly do this. I have also got a healthy crop of fresh veggies from my kitchen garden. Next year, a greenhouse!

Read 23 books

I’m on the eighth book of the year so behind schedule. Maybe I should choose shorter books?

Try and save some money

Not happening. Everything is shooting up in price. I’m actually selling some of my camera equipment and even my shoes so that we can do some fun stuff. I have a few pairs of shoes.

Cinema visits

Not been yet, unfortunately. At £12 a ticket on a weekend, for a drink, snack and VIP seat it’s a major night out. The movie has to be worth it! Plus an agreement of what to see…

Duolingo again

Regretfully not.

Learn a new recipe every month

This has worked quite well so far; either veganising traditional meals or trying something from scratch, they’ve been mostly edible so far.

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This is a tofu and chickpea flour quiche made with spinach and broad beans.

Date night

Too many £££… we opted for a short trip to Portugal in May instead.

See Parents more often

Still feel bad about this but haven’t been able to drive long distances since last August. 

Try new restaurants

This is another case of costs permitting but we did try lots of new places in London and whilst on holiday. Locally, there are some new places closer to home we want to try and some quite well established that we just hadn’t been to.

Make or sample new cocktails

Hic. Seriously, it’s surprising that many bars/pubs only know a few standards and these are the popular daiquiris. porn star martinis etc. rather than ones that would appeal to me. 

Play more board games

We’ve done this a few times. And Mario Cart. Backgammon and Monopoly mainly. I want to get a Cluedo set.

Brewery or Distillery tours

I priced up a trip to the Bombay Sapphire Gin distillery tour and a B & B nearby; maybe when we’re feeling a bit more flush?! A retirement goal maybe. These things are really expensive!

Regular hikes and walks

Walking yes but hiking is not an option until my back recovers from the procedure and I’m more mobile. 

Picnic time

When the sun is shining! We’ve done this a few times, cheaper than eating out and the food is better. No, a trip to McDonalds for a McPlant burger isn’t a picnic.

List achievements and a 5 year plan

This is perhaps something to look at toward the end of the year, we are doing a bit of planning though. 

Pick up someone else’s rubbish

Still an ambition, especially near our house and the main road. I need one of those grabber stick things…

Develop a good habit

So far hydrating sufficiently has been a priority (it was a warm and sunny May/June) and I read the news headlines everyday before work so I can ask students their opinions on current events.

I’ll do a full review in December and chuck out the unrealistic or super-expensive goals and add a few new ones for next year.

Author: damoward

Art teacher with an interest in ecology and technology.

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